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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
8 live in Arizona
28 live in California
5 live in Colorado
3 live in Connecticut
2 live in Delaware
1 lives in District Of Columbia
28 live in Florida
7 live in Georgia
3 live in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
4 live in Kentucky
1 lives in Louisiana
5 live in Maine
11 live in Maryland
10 live in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
2 live in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nevada
3 live in New Hampshire
63 live in New Jersey
2 live in New Mexico
14 live in New York
12 live in North Carolina
4 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
21 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
8 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
8 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
5 live in Vermont
15 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
3 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Japan
7 location unknown
101 are deceased

This website is made available thanks to the generosity of about 50 fellow classmates whose contributions will allow it to be continued until at least 2032. It is maintained by volunteers from the class and is not affiliated with any commercial operation. It is secure. Most pages and the personally identifiable information contained therein are available only to registered and logged-in Classmates and specific guests (faculty, adjacent-year classmates). Click on Home Page (above) to register or log-in.

Scroll down to "Class Directory" to see new (October 2022) information about classmate contact information.

To update your own information, click on "Edit Contact Info" under "MEMBER FUNCTIONS" in the menu on the left.


Welcome to the web site of the

Westfield High School
Class Of 1962 (New Jersey)

From September 1959 to June 1962 a little over 400 of us residents of this planet Earth shared at least six hours a day, generally five days a week, and almost 40 weeks a year in the company of one another. Then, on June 21, 1962, things started to change. We went our separate ways.

  • Some of us immediately jumped into the work force or military service.
  • Others continued their education at schools far and near.
  • A few of us continued to live in the same house we occupied as students at Westfield High while others began a practice of changing hometowns many times over many miles.

Almost all of us have kept in touch with a handful of friends from those high school days, and few have failed to wonder every now and then, "whatever happened to ...?"

In the Foreword to the 1962 Weather Vane yearbook, it was written
There is perhaps satisfaction in reflecting on past gains, and certain pleasure in relishing the good of the moment, but joy, happiness rests only in unrest, in the yet unattained goods to come.
We've let more than a half century come between then and now, and perhaps now is the time to let ourselves reflect on past gains, to pause, look back, and reconnect. We had a reunion — the big one, the golden, the 50th — in September, 2012. (Click here for Reunion Wrap-up.) Now we are thinking about having another.
Whether you attended the reunion or not, however, let's take the time both to reignite memories of our high school days and to share with each other what we have attained in these many years.

This web site will help in that pursuit. Please visit often.

Our Class Officers (1961-62)

Cheri JohnsSecretaryBarbara SheaVice-PresidentRichard AllenPresident; Miss Margaret Dietrich, AdvisorTom PerryTreasurerJohn CarlsonAssistant Treasurer (Click on officer's name to visit his or her page on this website.)

A birds-eye view of the center of town (from a book, regretfully, now out-of-print):

Used with permission from Walter Choroszewski - Aesthetic Press, Inc.
Photo Copyright © 2003 Walter Choroszewski - All Rights Reserved.

Have you misplaced your high school yearbook? Just click on the Weather Vane tab in the menu to the left and gain access to an electronic substitute provided courtesy of the Westfield Memorial Library.

The "first rough draft" of the history of WHS62 appears in the pages of the Westfield Hi's Eye. Choose Hi's Eye from the menu on the left or click here to gain access to the full text of (most of) the issues of our senior year.


Registration Required

Members of the WHS Class of 1962 must register to use this website. (Click on Classmate Profiles; find your name and click on it to begin the registration process. Your primary email address will be your log in identifier and you will assign yourself a password to use on subsequent returns to this site.)

Once you register and are logged on, this notice disappears.......

Class Directory

Over almost two decades, Gerry Madea maintained the authoritative directory of the members of the class, the Classmate Contact Information Document (CCID). Sadly, Gerry died in early 2019 without plans for turning over the responsibility for maintaining the directory. Some classmates, pictured below, have stepped forward, engaged in numerous zoom meetings, and attempted to reach out to all our classmates to keep these records up to date.

Pictured are Bob Willard, webmaster; Kim Peck, co-webmaster; and committee members Carol Robbins, Jock Waltman, Sandy Neuss Mitchell, and Dottie Hoff Clarke, chair. Missing from the picture is committee member Bill Tittle.

When you register for this website you are encouraged to enter address and phone number information. You can select whether general location info displays to other registered users of this site; it is never displayed to the general public or made available to search engines. Specific street addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers are available only to designated website administrators.

Please notify the Webmaster of any changes to your contact information.

Gerry regularly emailed updated copies of the CCID to classmates. If you need a copy (the last edition was prepared in August 2018), just ask the Webmaster.
A new Class Directory was prepared in October 2022 and was emailed to classmates with correct email addresses.